Me 163 kits and accessories

Another great Trimaster Komet built by Kent Eckhart, Jr from Boise, Idaho, USA. It depicts 'White 54' of either 13. or 14. Staffel (sources don't agree on the badge) of the III. Gruppe of JG400. Kent's model clearly shows the MG 151/20 armament. The gun barrels project from the leading edge, and the ammo loading panel is smaller than on MK 108 equipped examples.

Kent reports it was a very easy build, except for the landing skid/dolly combination. He built it straight from the box, except for some blending of nose cone to the front of the fuselage (reducing the step between these parts). The colors a RLM 76 base coat, and Gunze Sangyo mixes for RLM 81 and 82 (or 83 depending on the sources).

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