Me 163B radio controlled model

Tracy Dungan of the A4/V2 Resource Site sent these pictures of a an actual rocket powered Me 163B RC model built and flown by Earle Aune. Amazingly realistic!

Apart from the photos below, Tracy also kindly supplied a 30 second WMV (Windows Media Video) format film of a launch (387 kB large). Left click here to 'stream' this file using Windows Media Player, or download it by right clicking and "save as".

The model was built from the Bob Holman kit. It looks very realistic, and is painted in colors and markings similar to Komet 191914 of the National Aviation Museum (Canada)
This picture shows the model on its take-off gear (as opposed to landing gear).
The builder holding his model. It shows the size of model, and again how realistic it looks.
The rocket motor is made by AeroTech Consumer Aerospace. It is an H45 White Lightning solid propellant motor. Peak thrust is 28.8 lbs / 128 N while burn time is 7.1 seconds. It has a total impulse of 320 Newton-Seconds.
The rocket motor being inserted into the rear of the model.
Preparations of the start dolly, which slides along a track.
Engine start with a puff of smoke ...
.. and off it goes!
Take-off is steep after the dolly is released.
Quite a spectacular sight just after lift-off!
Climb continues to be steep until burn-out ..

This must be great fun!

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