Vacuum resin casting

I started experimenting with resin casting around 1992, and it took me a few years before I found a process that gave me consistently excellent castings. Inspiration came mostly from studying commercial resin parts; I never found a manual or article that describes the vacuum casting process in detail.

There's an interesting cultural aspect to resin casting. It seems that vacuum casting is the European way of resin casting. In the USA pressure casting is the preferred method. I'm describing vacuum casting here.

My vacuum molding and casting process

I made a graphic of the steps of the process that I use. I keep improving the graphic; this is the eleventh version.

There's one step that I haven't figured out completely, and that is post-curing at elevated temperature. Generally speaking, post-curing improves material properties of thermoset plastics. But I haven't noticed that effect with post-cured polyurethane castings. More experiments are planned.

Compared to pressure casting in two-part moulds, there are are two big advantages. The laborious claying to embed the part halfway, to create the division of the mould halves, is completely absent. Preparing a part for casting a mould is minutes work. And because the mould is one part, there are fewer mould parting lines left on the part - the castings are of better quality.


This is my no-brand Chinese single-stage rotary vane vacuum pump (see Wikipedia). It is marked as a 'Model Z-3', with a listed pumping capacity of 1.1 liters per second. But judging from the actual pumping capacity, it's probably a 'Model Z-1.5' instead, with a listed pumping capacity of 0.68 liters per second.

As far as I know, a rotary vane vacuum pump is the minimum that you need to achieve the vacuum level required for vacuum resin casting; a membrane vacuum pump is likely not good enough. Currently, similar no-brand pumps are roughly 150-200 euros in the Netherlands.

My pump came with a vacuum gauge that's pretty useless for this purpose, since I'm most interested in the 0 to 2 mbar (abs) range. But gauges for this range are expensive, and I learned to listen to the pump to judge the vacuum level. Plus you can see the resin bubbling vigorously when the vacuum is deep enough.

The black vertical cylinder is the oil mist filter, that my pump did not have originally. It added some 40 euros to the cost of the pump. I tried several other solutions, but nothing would catch the fine oil mist generated by the pump. This filter does its job properly. I duct its exhaust into the ventilation system, since it could contain unhealthy components.
Here's my 9.2 liter vacuum desiccator by Kartell (catalog number 554). The bottom half is made of polypropylene, the top half of polycarbonate. The dome used to be fully transparent, but the inside is coated with tiny drops of resin, because the resin bubbling can be violent. Plus I also used it for an industrial project, further dirtying the inside. When I bought mine some 15 years ago, it was around 75 euros. Correcting for inflation, I would expect 100-110 euros now.

I'm using thick-walled 12x8 mm PVC tube, thinner-wall tube will collapse under the vacuum.

If you're Dutch, here are links to vacuum casting sets of three suppliers: Polyservice, Polyestershoppen and Silicones and more
I calculated the differential equation for the (absolute) pressure as a function of time, assuming zero leakage, and no gasses escaping from the resin:

pressure as a function of time = starting pressure * e - pumping capacity / volume * time

Assuming standard atmosphere of 1013 mbar (abs), pumping capacity of 0.68 liters per second, and vacuum chamber volume of 9.2 liters, the equation becomes:

p(t) = 1013 * e -0.0739 * t

This theoretical function is plotted in the graph. At t=60 seconds it predicts 12 mbar abs.
I did measurement of the actual pressures at t=10, 20 and 30 seconds, finding ~490, 230 and 120 mbar (abs), and they matched the theoretical graph pretty well. Still, I adjusted the pump capacity from 0.68 to 0.66 liters per second, for a slightly better fit.

The adjusted graph predicts 96 seconds to achieve 1.0 mbar (abs). I guess the actual pressure will deviate from the calculated value around this time, since the resin is venting gasses, hopefully mostly entrapped air and absorbed moisture. I cannot quantify that, but there's no need for it either, as long as the resin is bubbling vigorously (i.e. de-airing).

Shortly after making this analysis, I met a modeler whose setup required around seven minutes to reach a decent vacuum (guessing 1-2 mbar abs). That exceeded the potlife of his resin system. He probably had a small pump and a large vacuum chamber, and he could analyse the problem with the method presented here.


I've used three types of addition-type silicone rubber in the 10 to 15 Shore-A range, bought from Dutch suppliers. From left to right: PolyService 8510 (orange, 13 Shore-A), Silicones and More Pink 10, (pink, 10 Shore-A), Smooth-On Mold Star 15 Slow, (green, 15 Shore-A) bought from Form-X.

The difference in hardness (softness) between the three is noticable. For example a Pink 10 mould is really floppy, and should be supported lateraly during the cure of the castings. On the other hand, it will release parts with strong undercuts easily.

PolyService 8510 was my favorite, with good all-round performance, but the price increased rather drastically. Pink 10 is rather easily damaged: sharp edges of the casting will cause scratches inside the mould. Mold Star 15 is more viscous, but the moulds came out fine.
I've used Smooth-Cast 305 for nearly all my castings. The main reason for using 305 is the 7 minute potlife, that is just right for my process. Most polyurethane casting resins have a 3 minute potlife, and that's too quick for me. I also like the slower cure of 305 because it means most castings won't heat up during the cure, which leads to shrinkage. A drawback of a slow resin is a longer demoulding time, in my case it's around two hours.

I always add a tiny amount of special polyurethane coloring, to change the color from white to a light gray. Details are difficult to see on white parts, and gray solves that.

I never use release agents, for two reasons. First is that I think it's impossible to apply a release agent to a detailed and deep single piece mould, even with a spray can. Second is that I don't want a release agent on my castings, that need to be painted later.

Various photos of my casting process

Here's a typical project, a set of small U-2C underfuselage cooling air inlets. The master parts are seen at the rear, on their casting blocks. The parts are positioned vertically because of the openings. At the front, the castings with and without the gates can be seen.
The photo shows three parts to be copied, fitted with a casting block and a piece of 1 mm plastic card in between (gate). The soft silicone rubber accepts large undercuts, as you will see.
Here's a wheel, prepared to be copied. It's a pretty radical mold when it comes to undercuts, but for me this the best way to cast a resin wheel. The spoke holes have been closed with Kristal Klear, which makes a very thin film when dry.
A view inside a typical mold, held open to show the interior. Note that I do not make cuts that reach the exterior of the mold, because they would form paths for air leakage during the vacuum process.
The resin has been cast and cured. The foaming of the resin under vacuum left some flash on the top face of the molds.
The result: five nice castings. Note the heavy undercuts on most of these parts. Releasing the parts can be a bit of a struggle, but the rubber takes the abuse well.
The parts come out perfect, consistently, without air bubbles. The castings blocks show a bit of variation in their volume. They need to have some thickness (strength), because they are the part that you grab to pull the part out of the mold.
I reworked the rocket nozzle of the RealSpace 1/96 Apollo Command & Service Module, and cast copies of my master. It's another example of the undercuts that are possible. The 'swiss cheese' pieces of the sides create a wider opening for the part to release.
If a part needs more strength, you can insert a steel or brass wire in the mould, then cast as usual. This is a landing gear strut from a Hawk 1/32 H-43B, possibly 60 years old. Its plastic had become very brittle, and the top bracket had broken off. I made a mould using the repaired but weakened part. Before casting,I inserted a 1 mm brass wire, and it worked perfectly.
Here's how I copied an Ertl truck tire with single-piece mold and vacuum casting. I filled the master tire with Apoxie Sculpt to make it solid. A thin plastic card disc was glued inside the tire. The rearmost casting has that disc removed, plus the flash on the thread, that was very difficult to remove on the original PVC (?) version. I also sanded the bottom, making the tire look like its actually carrying a load. Many trucks models stand 'on their toes' in my view.
Here's an old project, for my Airfix 1/72 prototype Mosquito. I bought the True Details aftermarket Mosquito tyres, and they are very nice detailed. But they were egg-shaped for some reason, and the bulges (which were in fashion at the time) were horrible. I decided to modify one tyre to get rid of the egg-shape and the bulges. I made a mould of this modified tyre to cast two copies in clear (but yellowed) epoxy. The modified wheels are seen at the front. Note the absent bulges. I drilled a hole in the bottom of each wheel, and glued a nut inside, so the model can be bolted down on a diorama.
Usually I place my filled molds in a row after filling with resin (absent here), to hold the rather floppy molds to their original shape, while the resin cures.

The mold second from the right shows clear signs of being at the end of its life. The silicone rubber slowly discolors to a whitish color. Another sign is that releasing the castings becomes more and more difficult; the release properties of the silicone rubber deteriorate.
There's a third indicator of mold life. After twenty pours, my castings start showing a surface texture that the master definitely does not have. Here's an example, showing the 3rd casting (rear) and the 25th casting (front). The difference between the two castings can be seen clearly. The texture can be sanded off, but it's a lot of work and damages the details. I chose to use my moulds for a maximum of 20 castings.

I checked out Robert Tolone YouTube channel, and found one video discussing mould life: How Many Castings Can You Get From A Mold?. In the example that he discussed, he got 22 castings from the mould, stating "that is about as long as I would expect this mold to last". Therefore my 20 castings limit is not unusual. I've heard others report achieving 30 castings, but never 40-50 castings.

If I ever want to investigate further, this scientfic article could be a good start: The Deterioration Mechanism of Silicone Molds in Polyurethane Vacuum Casting. Possible this one too: Effect of Isocyanate Absorption on the Mechanical Properties of Silicone Elastomers in Polyurethane Vacuum Casting
Here's the result of a full day of casting - quite satisfying! My slow resin requires ~2 hours of curing, which determines the casting interval. But all castings were 100% perfect, not a single air bubble to be seen.


A few words on the subject of shrinkage. Shrinkage can occur both in the mould and in the casting:

I tested the above theory by measuring my largest casting, the ALE-2 chaff pod. The master is 87.5 mm long, and of the five castings that I measured, four were 87.7 mm, and one 87.9 mm. I blame the length increase on temperature differences of the days I cast the mould, and the days I made the castings. Silicone rubber has a large coefficient of thermal expansion: I found values ranging from 200 to 300E-6/°C. Compare that to polystyrene 70E-6/°C and aluminum 21-23E-6/°C. That means a 10 °C difference makes a 0.25% larger silicone rubber mould, and that equals the size increase from 87.5 to 87.7 mm of my ALE-2 pod.



Here is some information on safety that I found. This discussion thread How toxic is resin? on Starship Modeler Discussion Forums was valuable. I condensed and reordered the information:

The Technical Data Sheet of Smooth-Cast 305 that I use specifically lists: "Contains Methylene Diphenyl Isocyanate" or MDI. That means the isocyanates are already partly polymerized, part of large molecules, that shouldn't evaporate much. However, the thread does not discuss the effects of putting polyurethane resin in a vacuum. Plus it's bubbling, maybe a very mild form of aerating? I have doubled my efforts to take all air exiting from the vacuum pump to the building's ventilation system. Also, I will ensure that the ventilation system will take away any vapours (if any) coming off the moulds with curing parts.

A few links for further study:

Vacuum pump oil replacement

After sixteen years of on and off use, I replaced the vacuum pump oil. It looked quite horrible, with more than half the oil looking like the 'mayonnaise' you get when a car engine has a blown head gasket, and the engine oil and engine coolant mix.

I can't say exactly how much time the pump ran, but 5 hours total is my first estimate, 100 runs of 3 minutes each. That is less than a single overnight vacuum cure of a composite part - another typical use of a vacuum pump. But is such an application, with just a few liters of air pumped out, whereas mine did 100 x 9 liters = 900 liters, let's round it off to one cubic meter of air. That volume contains approximately 15 grams of water at 23°C and 70% humidity. Less than 10% of a glass of water, that doesn't sound like it's the problem to me.

I also read a warning that polyurethane resin vapors will contaminate vacuum pump oil, but I don't have a way of checking that.
This close-up shows how the oil separated after 20 hours. The top part looked like regular oil to me, then a layer that looked like 'mayonaise'. At the bottom I see some white parts. Weird!
Interestingly, four days later the division line had moved down, from 140 to 105 ml, suggesting that the oil-water mix was slowly separating. However the separation stopped roughly at this point.

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