Rob de Bie's scale models

Welcome to my modeling pages! You will find reports of my finished models and construction reports of some of the models I'm currently working on. You can take a look at my modeling workplace, and my for sale and wanted page. The pages show lots of 'in progress' photos, since I usually find these much more interesting than photos of the finished model. I spend a lot of time on research, but for me that is a large part of the pleasure of building a model. Some reference material is presented on this site. If you have comments or questions, mail me. You can also navigate this site by using the what's new page.

Models - finished
Italeri (Dragon) 1/144 A-6E Intruder
Revell 1/144 YF-23A
Monogram 1/48 P-47D Razorback
Hasegawa 1/72 Bf 109G-14
Academy 1/72 Me 163B Komet
Revell 1/48 Lippisch P 13A
Fujimi 1/72 Ju 87D-1 Stuka
Italeri 1/72 Super Etendard
ARII 1/72 BD-5J
Shapeways 1/72 PowerPlanes (3)
Revell 1/72 Storm Shadow
Scratchbuilt 1/10 Locost chassis
Attack Squadron 1/72 RQ-7B
1/72 AQM-34L desk model
RealSpace 1/96 Apollo CSM
Revell 1/96 Apollo LM
Skyrim Skeleton Key
Monogram 1/48 F-84F + stores
Matchbox 1/72 MiG-21PF
Own production 1/72 AQM-34K
Airfix Four-Stroke Engine
Royal Model 1/35 Peter's point fifty
Amodel 1/72 Kh-55M
Amodel 1/72 Kh-55M
Hasegawa 1/72 SR-71A play toy
Hasegawa 1/72 MiG-23
Hasegawa F-4 Eggplane
Airfix 1/72 'Hot Shots' Gnat
Verlinden 1/72 MD-3 deck tractors
Hawk 1/32 H-43B Huskie
Revell 1/72 F-16A (#1)
Revell 1/72 F-16A (#2)
Shop displays project
Monogram 1/72 D-21 'what if'
Own design 1/72 Cassutt 111M

Models - under construction

Esci 1/72 RF-104G Starfighter
LS 1/72 BD-5J
Airfix 1/72 Mosquito
MPM 1/72 Curtiss-Wright CW-21B
Hasegawa 1/72 TF-104G
Monogram/Hasegawa 1/72 A-1E
Dragon 1/72 Ar 234B
Scratch 1/72 Lambach HL2
Hasegawa 1/72 F-104D
Italeri 1/72 AQM-34L
Pegasus 1/72 Have Blue
Academy 1/72 OV-10B Bronco
Seminar 1/72 U-2C
High Planes 1/72 Bearcat Racer
ARII/12 Squared 1/144 A-12
Esci 1/72 F-100D
Printapart 1/72 Eaglet
A+V Models 1/72 AQM-91
Revell 1/48 Me 163B
12 Squared 1/72 Gnat 750

AMT 1/25 custom 1949 Ford
Hasegawa 1/24 Porsche 962 IMSA
Protar 1/24 Lancia LC2
Tamiya 1/24 Kremer 935 K4
Esci 1/24 Lancia Beta Monte Carlo
Tamiya 1/24 Porsche 956
Revell 1/25 Amato dragster
Profil24 1/24 Porsche 917LH
Monogram 1/24 1985 Thunderbird v2
Nunu 1/24 Kremer Porsche 935 K3

Models - cancelled
Italeri 1/72 Su 24 Fencer
Heller 1/72 Me 163B-1 Komet
Italeri 1/72 X-32 JSF
Airfix 1/72 A-1H/J
Dragon 1/72 YF-22A
KP 1/72 MiG-15UTI
Airmodel 1/72 XF-85
Italeri 1/72 Su 17M-4
Tamiya 1/72 Bell X-1
Dragon 1/35 V2
Academy 1/72 MiG-27
Revell and Aurora 1/72 Skycranes
Lone Star Models 1/72 Q-2A
Monogram 1985 Thunderbird v1
Unicraft 1/72 RQ-1 Predator
Model Art 1/72 ASMP
MPC-Ertl 1/25 1971 Mustang

3D CAD & 3D printing

1/72 F-104G starter cart
1/72 U-2C Q-bay hatch
1/72 EA-3B fuselage sides
1/48 F-84F ATO rack
1/72 Cassutt 111M pylon racer

1/24 Lancia LC2 front wheel louvers
1/24 Lancia LC2 exhaust louvers
1/25 'Duel' Peterbilt front wheels
1/25 'Duel' Peterbilt windshield gaskets
1/25 'Duel' Peterbilt 'needle nose' grille
1/25 'Duel' Peterbilt 'needle nose' hood


Italeri/Zvezda 1/72 MiG 23ML
Classic Plane 1/72 Gee Bee R-1/R-2
MPM 1/72 Fokker G.I Mercury
MPM 1/72 XF-85 'Upgraded'
Atomic Models 1/32 AGM-86B
Flightpath 1/32 Storm Shadow
Combat Kits 1/72 BAe Mantis
Tsukuda 1/72 A-1H Skyraider
PlusModel 1/72 BQM-34A Firebee

Airfix 1/24 Peugeot 905
Nitto 1/20 BMW 3.5 CSL

Beavis & Butthead

Kit and paint lists

Visible engines
Porsche 934/935 kit list
Porsche 917 kit list
Revell / AMT / Aurora Parts Packs

Humbrol tin evolution
Humbrol 'Authentic colours'
MRP lacquer list

12 Squared models

Cutaway drawing list

Canopy masking with CCF
Design your own Alps/OKI decals
Ultrasonic NaOH paint stripping
Badger 150 needles
Vacuum resin casting


Pierced Steel Planking (PSP)
1/72 'Mule' deck tractors
Postjager colors and markings
Postjager mystery logo
Postjager wing profiles
TAB-VEE shelters
BD-5J census
RF-104G wreckovery
AQM-91 wing and tail profiles
BD-5A/B factory engines
Volkel bomb splinter
RNLAF and RNN fonts
Soviet shelters in the GDR
Mystery Luftwaffe hangar at Volkel
Mildenhall 1934 fuel trucks
Cassutt 'aftermarket' wings

TWR-Jaguar XJR-9LM walk-around

Custom decal design


Links to fellow Dutch modelers, in order of discovery. Facebook pages are excluded.
Eric Verschuur
Meindert de Vreeze
Rob van Riel's modeling weblog
Tom Zuijdwegt - Airwar 1946
Wim Vink - Mil-Mod
Hans van Oerle
Arjan Ouwendijk - Truck reference
Peter van Lune (Frog Penguin)
Wilko Jonker (+)
Revolutie vliegtuigmodelmuseum (+)
Henk Timmerman - Henk of Holland
Bel Air Models
Matchbox by Reinhold Bogaard
Patrick Sitters / Nemmy
Rob Hamann
Peter Stoof
Rob van Driel
Ed Lenders vrachtwagens
Ton Hazelaar Model Cars
Rik Verhagen
Erik Olijnsma
Kars Jans 'RacingKars'
Rays kits
Eddy's Modeltrucks
Hobby Robby (YouTube)
Kit Kabinet (YouTube)
Leon Vercruijsse - ElveScaleModeling
BOM Modelbouw

Here's an overview of previously listed but discontinued websites, that were recovered through the WayBack Machine. If you're really interested in a particular site, it's useful to explore different captures by the WayBack Machine, since the completeness of captures tends to differ. Also, be patient, the pages and photos often load slowly.
Jurrie's PlasticKits (2007)
Dick Herstel (2007)
Tim van Dooremalen (2007)
Andries Waardenburg (2008)
Remco Donselaar (2008)
Jappie Buisman (2009)
Sander van Kreijl (2009)
Remco Grob (2009)
Jan Kusters (2009)
Mario Wens (2010)
Bert van de Maat (2012)
Willem van Nuenen (2013)
Fred Anneveld (2015)
Promotional scale models (2018)
Sidney de Koning (2019)
Remco van der Zon (2020)
Ron Brown (2020)
Erik Fontein (2022)
Holland Plastic Model Kits (2022)
Patrick Sitters (2022)
Heico van der Heide (2023)
Rob van Driel (2023)

I could not find working captures of the following discontinued websites:
Klaasjans modelbouwpagina
Niek Uwland
Ronald Kok
Jelle's Modelbouwpagina
Bjorn Dol

I noticed that many modelers are unaware of the existence of modeling clubs. Meeting fellow modelers and looking at and learning from each others models is very inspiring! I'm a member of IPMS-The Netherlands (International Plastic Modellers Society) which has about 1000 members. It has regional chapters, with regular meetings. You can view many photo reports of our Regio Zuid-Holland meetings.

Dutch-speaking modelers can visit the Modelbrouwers forum. A source of modeling information from the nineties is the newsgroup rec.models.scale; you can search its archives through Google.